معرفی اعضای افتخاری بخش فارسی پروژه بین المللی آذرخش

فرشته معماریان – Fereshteh Memarian
فرشته معماریان – Fereshteh Memarian
The first member of Persian Division
M.Sc in Physics, Akron University, Ohio, USA
PhD. student in Biophysics, University of California, USA
The First Radio Telescope Competitions of Iran-‐۲nd grade
Excellence Grant, ۲nd Institute of Advanced Studies School on Particle Physics and Cosmology And Implications for Technology supported by CERN
Excellence Grant, IAU MENA Regional Summer School
Get Appreciation from President of International Occultation Timing Association-‐ Middle East Section
The First Design and Manufacturing Physical Instruments Challenges Award of Iran-‐ ۲nd grade
The Second Sundial Competition of Iran – ۲nd grade
Observation and data analysis of newly discovered delta Scuti variable star GSC ۱۴۸۹-‐۰۹۱۴
Journal of Occultation and Eclipse (JOE)
Predicting Outgassing and Instability of Asteroid TB ۱۴۵ in Passing of the Earth’s Orbit (Report)
Mineralogy and formation condition of Olivines, Pyroxenes and Carbonates in composition of Comets Nuclei
۸th National Meeting of Astronomy & Astrophysics of Iran
A Comparison of the ‘Plasma Discharge’ and ‘Dirty Snowball’ Models of Comets in Generation of X-‐Ray
The ۶th Astronomy and Astrophysics Meeting of Iran -‐ Astronomical Society of Iran
Head of IOTA/ME -‐ Eclipse Department
Executive Committee of the ۴th International Astronomical Occultation and Eclipsing Conference
Mineralogy of Comets and Asteroids
Spectroscopy of Eclipsing binaries
Anomalies in Redshifts
Dark matter scenarios
Professional member of International Occultation Timing Association Middle East section (IOTA/ME) (2013-2016)
Professional member of Astronomical Society of Iran (ASI) (2013-2015)
Member of the Physics Society of Iran (2012 – 2014)
زمینه تخصصی: اخترفیزیک ستارهای – کیهانشناسی آلترناتیو – علوم سیارهای
ارسال پاسخ